Monday, March 21, 2022

Canoe Club still raising money

Members of SLCC who joined the challenge.

The fundraising by Kilcullen Canoe Club for the Irish Red Cross Ukraine appeal just keeps on building, writes Brian Byrne.

The latest tally provided by the club has €11,000 raised so far from the event which started at 8am Saturday morning. And the target of 981kms paddled has been well exceeded, with some 1,700 kms paddled by club members and canoeists from other clubs.

According to Kilcullen CC's latest post, 55 members of Salmon Leap CC in Leixlip also paddled 518kms on Saturday, raising €600 towards the total. The fundraising will continue until 31 March, at which time all money raised will be handed over to the IRC.

The associated raffle is open until 23 March, with a  magnificent array of prizes. You can buy online by clicking here.

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