Saturday, February 12, 2022

Drop in workshops were very successful - organisers

This morning's drop-in workshop exercise for the Kilcullen Design Statement was 'fantastically successful' according to the organisers, writes Brian Byrne.

“It got really busy towards the end,” says James Hennessy of The Paul Hogarth Company, consultants to the Kilcullen Community Action project, about the second opportunity the public has had to contribute ideas and suggestions for the future direction of the town.

The four-hour event in the Town Hall this morning left the consultants with a wide range of contributions on the four themes of the workshop — broadly relating to traffic management, heritage, environment, and recreation.

The format included opportunities to talk with the consultants and KCA members, and also to write down views and ideas at the various theme tables, which ended up being very full of scores of notes, thought-bubbles and key phrases.  “The answers are all in here,” James Hennessy said, showing photographs on his phone of the various contributions. “Our job now is to sift through them and work them out.”

The next stages of the process will involve a meeting with KCA when the report from today's event is ready, then the production of a draft plan which will then be brought to another public event for local scrutiny and explanation. From now, the expectation is that the project will be ready for the final Design Statement in or around Easter.

The final document will provide a framework and guidelines for any future development and direction for Kilcullen based on what the community would like. It will also be part of a strong local input to the next Local Area Plan for Kilcullen which will be in progress later this year.

The Kilcullen Design Statement is a KCA initiative, funded by Kildare Leader and local councillors. 

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