Sunday, November 28, 2021

Design Statement Drop In brought people, interest, opinions

There was a steady stream of people into the Town Hall yesterday for the Kilcullen Design Statement Drop In Clinic, writes Orla O'Neill of the initiative's KCA project group.

Representatives of our consultants, The Paul Hogarth Company, spoke with everyone and talked through everything that those who came thought about Kilcullen, including the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Both long term residents and new residents of Kilcullen came to the Drop In. Many spoke about the traffic and congestion and how they wanted safer routes for their children. The poor bus service was also highlighted and the fact that most people had to leave the town for work. Some people did the survey on the day, and others will do it through the online link.

The survey will be open for at least another week and KCA encourages everyone to have their say. Those without smartphones can contact KCA and we will give them a paper copy of the survey to fill out.

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