Saturday, October 30, 2021

KCA polytunnel ready for use

Hot bin composter.

The Kilcullen Community Action polytunnel is now in place and ready for use, writes Brian Byrne.

Eoin Houlihan reported to the recent meeting of the group that initially the project committee will be growing some pollinator plants and perhaps some destined for the tiered planters.

"We also have the hot bin composters in place," Eoin said, noting that there's a special way of filling these to get them going.

Guttering will shortly be in place to gather rainwater, and a solar pump will water the plants.

Mulch from shredded Christmas trees recycled from last year has been laid on the floor area, and when the hot bin composters are operating the group will have its own compost.

The polytunnel is on private land on a site provided at a nominal lease by Tony and Geraldine Gahan, and the project is supported by Kildare Leader. A prize of €1,000 won by Eoin Houlihan and James Byrne for their presentation of the project to a Climate Action course was also donated to the project.

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