Saturday, September 18, 2021

Local suppliers underpin Little Brew in Kilcullen

The operators of the new Little Brew Cafe in Kilcullen are 'on the lookout' for more local suppliers, writes Brian Byrne.

Ronan and Aisling Skehan's cafe model, initiated in their Dunlavin cafe of the same name, is to have as many suppliers as possible from the immediate locality.

The coffee is provided by PS Roasters, who roast their coffee in the Link Park in Kilcullen. Cakes and pastries are provided by suppliers from Kildare and Newbridge. The bread on Saturdays is by Crean's Place bakers.

Even the decorative plants, which are on sale, are from a Dunlavin source. Preserves and chocolate are from Irish craft businesses.

Ronan and Ash are delighted with the response in Kilcullen to their first week, which for the moment is restricted to takeaway only due to coronavirus spatial restrictions. But hopefully the country's businesses are moving forward from that soon.

Opening hours at the moment are 7.30am-4pm Tuesday-Thursday, and 9am-4pm Saturdays and Sundays.

Meantime, the Skehans and their staff in Kilcullen are busy establishing what they call the 'Vancouver vibe' in their new venture. The story behind that will be revealed in next week's Kildare Nationalist.

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