Saturday, September 18, 2021

Drama Group is back on the boards

Most of the group involved in the production — three members were not available for the photos.

With familiar faces and new faces, Kilcullen Drama Group are back on the boards, rehearsing a new production, writes Brian Byrne.

After the pandemic hiatus, director for Jimmy Keary's The Two Loves of Gabriel Foley Eilis Phillips says it is just wonderful to have a group in rehearsal again.

At the moment they are in reading parts mode, and there's no date yet for the performances. "We're just going to relax and enjoy the rehearsals, have a bit of fun, until we can set a firm date."

When the group issued a call for interest in the play last month they were pretty well inundated with offers. "Loads of people turned up, so I just had to use my imagination to find a space for them all."

That imagination resulted in Eilis casting two people for each part in the eight-character play, so there will be dual rehearsals. "Because of coronavirus, we needed to have backup for each character. Also, we will probably have to run the play for ten nights, with reduced size audiences, so we will be alternating casts through the run." She has previously used a similar process for her children's drama productions, but this is the first time for the group's adult performers to work this way.

The last production from the group was The Seafarer in November 2019, while the planned staging of the Ray Cooney farce Funny Money had to be cancelled last spring due to coronavirus. 

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