Wednesday, July 21, 2021

'Very good' presentation in Curragh Plains update

An update on the progress of preparing a plan for the management of the Curragh Plains has been described as 'very good' by Kicullen-based councillor Tracey O'Dwyer. The briefing was made to councillors yesterday morning by Paul Hogarth Landscape Architects, and follows a recent public consultation undertaken online.

"James Hennessy from Hogarth said that the uptake to the public consultation was testament to how highly we all value the Curragh," Cllr O'Dwyer says in a post on her Facebook page. "From my own perspective I outlined again that I believe until such time as the Curragh Plains is designated a natural heritage area (NHA) it won’t be afforded the level of protection it requires to preserve it for future generations."

Further public engagement will be undertaken following the completion of discussions with stakeholders., and after that there will be a document produced which identifies what is possible and what is needed to protect the Plains.

"I look forward to the outcome because what is currently happening is not sustainable," Cllr O'Dwyer concluded.

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