Friday, July 02, 2021

Ballyshannon Action group go on video offensive

The Ballyshannon Action Group has produced a video to illustrate what they believe will be the effect of a fourth Kilsaran quarry within 8km of Kilcullen, writes Brian Byrne.

It can be viewed on the Group's Youtube channel here, and is being widely distributed across social media. It's part of a fundraising drive to pay for a Judicial Review of the recent An Bord Pleanala decision to grant planning permission for the proposed quarry at Racefield, Ballyshannon.

"This land is worth more than one company’s profits," the group says in a commentary with the video. "Our health, our livelihoods, our homes and our children depend on it. Yet we have been let down by the planning system which should protect us. We have decided that this is not good enough and on behalf of our community the Ballyshannon Action Group are pursuing a Judicial Review of this appalling decision."

The Group has a GoFundMe page, and a Credit Union account in Kilcullen - IBAN: IE67KIRI99217910372756.

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