Wednesday, June 09, 2021

We need to think about 'enough'

The concept of 'enough' is something which we all need to pay attention if we want to have a sustainable future for the planet Earth, writes Brian Byrne.

That was one element of the recent talk on Biodiversity and Health online event hosted by the Kilcullen Community 4 Climate Action, given by Dr Liz Cullen.

The concept underpins her belief that our planet can't take all the demands that are being made on its resources and its environment.

"If we keep going at the rate we are, it is so in opposition to really tackling climate change," she told those who participated in the Zoom event on Saturday night last. "The present system is killing the planet … we have no choice but to change our ways."

The event was based on a presentation by Liz, and was followed by a discussion which touched on a range of related issues, including material consumption, agriculture, political policies, and economics.

The full event can be watched on the group's Youtube channel

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