Saturday, June 05, 2021

It Says in The Bridge: June 2021

The front page of the June Bridge features a really great photograph by Frank Mitchell of young mallard ducks setting the theme for an outdoor summer, writes Brian Byrne, as does the accompanying work in progress photograph of preparations for the reopening of the town's pubs.

It's another packed issue of our community magazine, with the regulars and more in features and news about the town, in a much better place than it was this time last year. Hopefully to continue to improve.

In news there's the next phase of the Childcare Centre development, an extension of outdoors; and a look at the latest campaign involving energy proposals at Dunnstown. A call for a health check of the Liffey by local anglers, and concerns about speed limits are also covered.

It seems also that a number of people are taking the moment to move on from careers that have spanned many decades, and there's a page marking the retirements of three of them. In a similar vein, there's a piece on Jack Kelly's achievement of a 'wonderful 80 years'.

The Animal Lovers regular space announces another sign of recharge — the Noah's Ark charity shop run by KWWSPCA has reopened. The KCA page brings updates on the ever-busier range of projects operated by the town's Tidy Towns group, and Julie Felsbergs Dunlop muses on re-learning to socialise.

Other features this month include a day tour of Kilgowan and Kileen as the Out and Away page, an account of the 1921 attack on Kilcullen's RIC Barracks from James Durney, and Mary Orford takes a look back at tea and rationing here during WW2. Sean Landers ponders on the mystery of the motto over the door of Castlemartin House. And PE teacher Eoin Wheeler answers 20 Questions, revealing among other things that he is an Abba fan.

Schools have been busy as they get closer to the end of the academic year. A spread on Brannoxtown CNS looks at where it has come since its latest renewal three years ago; Scoil Bhride pupils have been busy with art, exercise, gardening and more; Halverstown NS guys and girls equally so with crafts, drama, and nature. Steiner School woodworking activities are also covered.

In sport there's a start-of-season piece about Halverstown Cricket Club, and St Bridget's Pitch and Putt are back in competitions.

So much going on, so much to read about, for so little cost. €2 in the usual outlets. 

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