Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Traffic lights, land valuation, holding up Market Square

An issue about the number of signalised pedestrian crossings proposed for the Market Square redevelopment plan in Kilcullen will be resolved this week, the monthly meeting of the Kildare-Newbridge MD was told, writes Brian Byrne.

The matter is one of two which have been holding up the initiation of the public consultation on the square development, Cllr Fiona McLoughlin Healy was told.

The other issue is valuation of a parcel of land which the Council is negotiating to acquire to offset the loss of car parking which the redevelopment will cause.

The report to the meeting said this valuation is awaited from the current owner for the Strategic Projects and Public Realm team in the Council, which is working with reduced resources at this time.

In answer to another query from Cllr McLoughlin Healy on the status of assessment and costing for a pedestrian crossing of Pinkeen Stream, officials said no further progress has been made due to reduced staffing levels within the MD Office and Covid restrictions.

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