Friday, April 23, 2021

Gardai asked to check Hillcrest speeds

Kilcullen Gardai are being asked to monitor the speed of traffic at Hillcrest, as local people raise concerns about the dangers of trying to cross the road there, writes Brian Byrne.

One local resident contacted the Diary to say that motorists 'take their lives in their hands' while trying to exit from the Hillcrest estate, because of the speed of traffic in both directions.

"The speed people are entering the village is worrying but what is more worrying is the speed coming up the hill ... I feel there is going to be a serious incident one day and most likely the car crossing the road will have small kiddies in it going home from Kidz Academy."

Our correspondent also contacted local councillors, and from conversations understands that the Gardai will be asked to observe at the junction.

Plans are approved and funded for a pedestrian crossing at the junction, but the project was delayed by the current Covid level restrictions.

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