Friday, April 02, 2021

Climate Action group's books scheme could become permanent

Pic: Kilcullen Community 4 Climate Action.

The free books and books swap initiative by Kilcullen Community 4 Climate Action has been so successful that they are looking at ways of making it a permanent feature in Kilcullen, writes Brian Byrne.

The first consignment of over a hundred books were almost all snapped up on the first day, and were replenished over successive days.

Many people came with books of their own to swap for those on the bench at old Cross and Passion gates at the crossroads.

Following suggestions that some kind of box could make the initiative weatherproof, the organisers said they are looking at ways of doing this, and to 'watch this space'.

There's hand-sanitiser on the bench and anybody looking at the books is asked to use it, and also to be aware of social distancing while browsing.

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