Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Move to set up Kilcullen Business Group

Dawn Behan and Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer.

Moves to establish a Business Group in Kilcullen have got under way, with a view to those involved being able to share relevant information and stay in contact with each other, writes Brian Byrne.

The recent confusion around the ESB planned outages in the town, and the general issue of Covid restrictions have accelerated the prospect of setting up some kind of association.

Dawn Behan of Woodbine Books has established a WhatsApp Group to kick-start the idea, and has been joined by Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer in the initiative. "Tracey agreed to be part of this group, to keep everyone updated with any County Council matters," Dawn says, noting that any and all other local councillors are also welcome to be part of the project. "Anyone who is interested can email me at and I will add them to the group."

Dawn says she is happy to set up the initial group, but if anyone is interested in being an administrator, they can let her know.

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