Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Help for older persons to access library services online

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels.

If you are or know of an older person who has difficulty in accessing online library resources, there's a special initiative from Kildare Library Services to help, writes Julie O'Donoghue.

It's the Age Friendly Digital Ambassadors Programme, which is a national scheme through the libraries system. The programme is a partnership between the LGMA Libraries Development Unit and Age Friendly Ireland

In each county, including Kildare, selected library staff — dubbed Age Friendly Library Champions — have been trained to provide online or telephone support to older people to guide them through the process of accessing the internet and downloading library apps.

In these uncertain times the internet can provide a lifeline for many and improved digital literacy skills aid this connection.

Contact Kildare Library and Arts Service Headquarters, Riverbank Arts Centre, Main Street, Newbridge, Co Kildare. Telephone (045) 431109/486.

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