Sunday, March 28, 2021

A reasoned and perceptive look at the vaccine story

Leave aside all the hype, hump, political bandwagoning, and social media hissing and spitting about the vaccine programme for a few minutes, and take a little time to read this piece by RTE's Europe Editor, Tony Connolly, writes Brian Byrne.

It's a rather long read and that's only right, because it gives us a researched and reasoned look at the Covid vaccine story and the current angst around it, from a global, European and UK & Ireland perspective.

I rate Tony Connolly as one of the most thoughtful and perceptive Irish journalists of our time, and he has that rare ability to push aside the weeds of politics and power and tell us in understandable terms the essential truths of whatever his subject of the moment is.

And this is the big subject of the moment. Yes, there are reasons to be critical, even angry, about vaccine and other Covid matters in our own country. But there's always the larger story to which we must also pay attention.

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