Monday, February 01, 2021

Home school with folklore gathered by Kilcullen schoolchildren

Attention all home schoolers! writes Mary Orford. You can find out what school children in Kilcullen back in the 1930s were taught about St Brigid in the School Folklore Collection.

The local teachers, Margaret Dowling (Ballyshannon), Patrick Byrne (Boys National School), Margaret Duffy, (Brannockstown) and Sr Carmel Therese (Girls National School) passed on their knowledge of the saint to local pupils such as Jerry Kelly, Paddy Nugent, Christopher O'Neill, Eileen Dowling and Rory Mackey.

The pupils spoke to their parents, grandparents and neighbours and wrote in their copybooks about Brigid, her connection to Kilcullen and the traditions that surround the well beside the river Liffey.

Check out this wonderful local history treasure trove here. Select Co Kildare and you'll find a link to each school.

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