Monday, January 18, 2021

Looking Back: The New Chapel at Kilcullen Convent, Co Kildare (1893)

The solemn opening of the new chapel which has just been completed at St Sebastian's Convent at Kilcullen took place on Tuesday.

A large number of the Sisters' relatives as well as the parents and friends of the boarders, who had just returned after the summer holidays, assembled to witness the ceremonies, which were of a very sacred and impressive character.

Solemn High Mass commenced at 11 o'clock, Very Rev Father Michael Watts-Russell, CP, Rector of Mount Argus, being celebrant; Rev E Kearns, CC, deacon; and Rev J Magee, sub-deacon, with Very Rev MP Langan, PP, Kilcullen, master of ceremonies. At the close of High Mass, Very Rev Alphonsus O'Neill, CP, preached a very eleoquent and impressive sermon. Benediction was then given by Rev MP Langan, assisted by rev deacon and sub-deacon.

The Choir was composed of a number of the Sisters, who rendered in an admirable manner Johnston's Immaculate Conception Mass in four parts with instrumental accompaniment.

The ceremonies being completed, the visitors were entertained at luncheon by the Rev Mother and Community, and profuse were the congratulations they received on the opening of their beautiful chapel. The Sisters afterwards conducted their friends through the spacious convent and boarding school, which has risen, as if by magic, within the last seven years. This imposing structure which now adorns this lovely spot by the Liffey, as well as the large number of boarders whom they now have, is indication sufficient to convince one of the popularity and importance of the institution.

The rev preacher took his text from Paralipomena, "And King David said to all the assembly Solomon, my son, whom alone God has chosen, is as yet young and tender, and the work is great, for a house us prepared, not for man, but for God."

In addition to the clergymen already mentioned, there were present — Rev Father Sutherland OP; Rev J Slattery, OP; Rev J Daly, CCA; Rev Fr O'Keefe, OSA; Rev Father Kelly, CC; Rev Father McInerney, CC; Rev Father White, CC; Rev Father Hackett, CC; Mr H Beasley, Miss Quin, Mr and Mrs Landey, Mr Harrington, Mr and Mrs Dennehy, the Misses West, Mr P and the Misses Scanlan, Mr and Mrs McGrorty, Mrs Quin, Miss Slattery, Mrs Mooney, Mrs Mullen, Mrs and Miss Healy, Mrs and Miss Fleming, Mrs Doherty, Miss Bardon, Mr R, Mrs and Miss Kearney, Mr and Mrs Whitehead, Mrs Collins, Mrs Donoghue, Mr J Brennan, Mrs Butterfield, Mrs Byrne and the Misses Byrne, Mrs Doran, Miss Fenelan, Mrs Grehan, Mrs Darby, Miss M'Cartney, Miss Casey, Miss Kearns, Mrs Kerwan.

A word of praise is due to Mr James Murphy, of Gilltown, Kilcullen, who designed this beautiful chapel, and whose absence from this opening through ill-health the Sisters very much regretted.

— Freemans Journal 08.09.1893.

(Credit to Dave Byrne who has trawled Ireland's old newspaper files for references to happenings in Kilcullen.)

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