Gardai to patrol business campus to stop 'mindless damage'
Gardai are to send patrols through the Kilcullen Business Campus to stamp out a spate of vandalism there over recent weeks, writes Brian Byrne.
The incidents were described as 'mindless damage' by Sgt Tom O'Donoghue this evening, but he said a significant amount of damage had been caused around a number of the commercial premises on the campus.
"We're going to increase patrols in the area, and anyone caught on the campus with no business there will be subject to possible prosecution," he told the Diary.
The Gardai are asking anyone who sees untoward activity in or near the campus, especially groupings of people, to contact them at the Kilcullen station numbers 045 481212 or 086 8582822.
They have also asked that parents in the town ensure they know where their children are, especially in the evenings.