Scoil Bhríde Bumper Christmas Raffle
The Christmas lights are on and the Christmas spirit is well and truly evident in Kilcullen but there is one big annual event still to take place. You’ve guessed it — Scoil Bhríde’s Bumper Christmas Raffle organised by the Parents Association.
Unfortunately, there has been no Christmas Fair or street sale of raffle tickets this year because of Covid19, but the Christmas Raffle is still going ahead, albeit in a different way. The raffle has moved on-line and the e-payment facility in the school has been utilised with a request to all Parents/Guardians to support the biggest fundraiser in the school year.
However, we did not want to leave out all the other members of our community who support the raffle annually as we have some great prizes on offer. Tickets can be purchased at €2 per entry to the draw by calling into Adrienne in the school office.
The Raffle will take place on Thursday, 17th December with some amazing prizes to be won.
1st Prize — 49” LG UHD 4K LED SMART TV (kindly sponsored by Curragh Lawns Nursing Home)
2nd Prize — €200 Cash
3rd Prize — Fitbit Charge 4
4th Prize — Christmas Hamper and lots more Christmas surprises and treats.
We also wish to thank all the local businesses who have come forward to support us with some amazing prizes to date, after what has been a difficult year for so many. But there is still time for any individual or business who wishes to consider making a donation or contribute to a Christmas hamper. All donations would be greatly received (vouchers/hamper/wine/chocolates etc.) If you are in a position to donate, it would be appreciated if you can drop items/gifts into the school office by Tuesday, 15th December.
The Parents Association would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and ask that you continue to support the local businesses and shop local as much as possible.
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3rd Prize — Fitbit Charge 4
4th Prize — Christmas Hamper and lots more Christmas surprises and treats.
We also wish to thank all the local businesses who have come forward to support us with some amazing prizes to date, after what has been a difficult year for so many. But there is still time for any individual or business who wishes to consider making a donation or contribute to a Christmas hamper. All donations would be greatly received (vouchers/hamper/wine/chocolates etc.) If you are in a position to donate, it would be appreciated if you can drop items/gifts into the school office by Tuesday, 15th December.
The Parents Association would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and ask that you continue to support the local businesses and shop local as much as possible.