Thursday, December 03, 2020

Drama Dynamics online Christmas Show upcoming

Though restricted to online tuition and work, the students of Drama Dynamics School of Speech and Drama have been rehearsing hard for their Christmas presentation, writes Brian Byrne.

School director Evelyn O'Sullivan says the show will be put on by the students in an online performance.

"They have got so good at muting their microphones and turning their cameras on and off on Zoom, just like their entrances and exits in the theatre," she said in an updating video posted at the weekend.

It's not the same as face to face, she says, 'but it is lovely that they can continue to see their drama friends every week without wearing a mask'. "We've had lovely fun, and our Senior students will be putting on a play they have written themselves."

Keep an eye on the Drama Dynamics Facebook and Instagram spaces for details.

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