Sunday, November 01, 2020

'Virtual Shackleton 2020' a global success

Like many other regular events of 2020, the annual Autumn School run by the Shackleton Museum in Athy had to go online this year, and it did so yesterday, writes Brian Byrne.

Far from it being a mere internet shadow of its regular self, the organisers did a powerful job in running a full day of talks, discussions, updates, and generally bringing to the fore the world of one of the greatest Antarctic explorers, Ernest Shackleton, born in Kilkea, Co Kildare.

Virtually Shackleton 2020 streamed live as well as offering pre-recorded videos on the wide range of topics, which ranged from the ongoing conservation of Shackelton's cabin on his last voyage on the Quest in 1922 — destined to become a centrepiece in the museum in Athy — through a discussion on the Antarctic Treaty with Minister of State Malcolm Noonan, to a presentation of the Falkland Island connection with the explorer's expeditions. And much more.

Normally the Autumn School, established from an idea by Athy local historian Frank Taffe in 2001, would have brought enthusiasts of things Antarctic from all over the world to Athy. Covid meant that this year they couldn't. But that didn't stop participation.

Through yesterday there were viewers from some 22 countries watching and listening to the events streamed through the Museum's Facebook page. And the finale was a Zoom 'virtual pint' gathering focused on O'Brien's pub where traditionally everybody would gather during the 'live' event. That virtual gathering was only scheduled to last for half an hour, but went on for two hours at least, with more than two score friends chatting from as far as New Zealand, California, Argentina, Patagonia, and many places closer to home.

For your editor's part, much of my day was spent in the office working on the November Bridge magazine, but thanks to Virtual Shackleton 2020 I was able to 'attend' most of the activity at the same time. I learned a lot, I also enjoyed it a lot.

A great achievement by all concerned who, in the spirit of Shackleton himself, found a way to carry on in the face of the Covid adversity. If you missed it, the videos are available on the Museum's Facebook page. A great resource for anyone interested in what has become known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.  

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