Friday, November 20, 2020

Hope and Resilience theme in 2021 Kilcullen Photography Club Calendar

The 2021 Kilcullen Photography Club Calendar is now published and can be bought from Woodbine Books and from members of the Club, writes Brian Byrne.

It costs €8 and pending lifting of restrictions it can be ordered from Woodbine at 045 482777 or email Contact the following members direct to order from them: David Byrne 086 8379805; Cliona Kelliher 087 1248036; Carmel O’Connor 087 2439272; or Conor Williams 086 8721707.

The theme of the latest production is Hope and Resilience, highlighting the efforts made by the community during the pandemic lockdowns, which enabled frontline services to function. "We can all be proud in playing our part in saving lives," the group says in the Calendar's introduction. "The continued kindness shown to one another can give us all hope for our futures."

Because of the difficulties faced by local businesses this year, the Club financed the 2021 Calendar themselves and gave complimentary sponsorship to those who had supported the project last year.

Kilcullen Photography Club was formed in 2017. Outings, discussions and some technical advice combined with an informal and easy going attitude make for an enjoyable atmosphere. New members are always welcome, with all levels of experience or none, and with any kind of camera, including phones.

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