Thursday, September 03, 2020

Viewpoint: Making available part-time desk space?

Photo by bongkarn thanyakij from Pexels.
A few years ago when Bank of Ireland downgraded services at the Kilcullen branch, I suggested to their regional management that perhaps they could devote their spare space in Kilcullen to an office hub, writes Brian Byrne. My idea was that people working from home in the area who needed to use an office occasionally would have an option.

It would especially suit those who didn’t have decent broadband in areas outside the town, as Kilcullen even then had good broadband available in the town itself.

The response was ‘Yes, a good idea. But we’re thinking of doing it in Newbridge, where there’d be more demand. We wouldn’t have the resources at the moment to set one in Kilcullen.” Which was, of course, a brush-off. A polite one, but a brush-off nevertheless.

Wouldn’t it have been great to have had such a facility here for those forced to work remotely during the lockdown? And who still could do with a place to do some of their work in an office environment for a day or so a week? Without having to travel long-distance to their company's HQ.

We’re going to be living with the consequences of the coronavirus for some considerable time. One of those will be a continuation of remote working by a good number of people. Either because they have to, or want to. Working from home also helps in the uncertainty for many families when their schoolchildren may have to be returned home at short notice if there’s an infection. Their employers by and large will facilitate the move, given the headaches and responsibilities of managing large offices in the new Covid era.

So here’s the Diary’s updated thought. There are a number of vacant retail and office-possible spaces around town. There may also be some offices where there's a spare desk some or all of the time, ideally in a separate room. There's no doubt an increased number of potential users of such facilities in the general Kilcullen area.

Let’s find out just how many there are in each case. Then let’s see if there’s a way of getting them together to look the possibility of providing a remote hub desk or two, or three?

The spaces could be rentable by the hour, half-day or day, managed by the space owners, or a hub cooperative committee if there are enough potential users. Essentially each facility just needs a broadband router and a wifi password. Desks, chairs, Covid protocols, all these basics are manageable. Most people have their own phones, so a dedicated phone service would be unnecessary.

It's kind of Air BnB for office space use in Kilcullen. It doesn’t need to be one building, just space in a few places that can be used on an occasional basis. But if there’s a demand, something more substantial could be developed.

I deliberately haven't gone into detail here. Flexibility is the key. And need will develop the format. Any takers?

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