Sunday, September 06, 2020

Strong interest in Camino Cill Chuilinn

More than 660 people have 'virtually walked' the Camino Cill Chuilinn since it was launched during National Heritage Week, writes Brian Byrne.

This Kilcullen Heritage Group presentation is available in two distances, one of approximately 16kms, the second just 10kms, both easily walked or cycled.

It is hoped to select a day in the near or more distant future for a community walk of the Caminos, when coronavirus restrictions allow. Meanwhile, by clicking on the images here, you can 'travel' them from your screen, whether computer, phone or tablet. And, of course, you can put on the walking shoes or get up on the rothar and do the real thing, with the help of the text and photographs in each.

There's more about the initiative in the September issue of The Bridge, now on sale.

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