Saturday, September 05, 2020

September Bridge arrives today

The September issue of The Bridge will be on sale in the usual outlets later this evening, writes Brian Byrne. And not a mention or indication of Covid on the cover …

As usual, chock full of local news and views, with a lookback at some of the summer activities that did take place, including a Gordon Bennett run, the publication of Hazel Gaynor's latest book, and a very busy programme of KCA work.

A little short on sport this issue, but that sector was on the quiet side, no doubt the correspondents impacted by the Kildare restrictions. Pitch and Putt didn't fold up their tent, though, Joe Mallon and his friends play through with news in all circumstances.

The centre spread is a feature on Kilcullen's Garda Station and our gardai, operating a 'dedicated hub of help' for the community. There's also a piece on a local cycling fan who can make your old bike a gleaming piece of joy, a profile of postman Michael O'Connor, and a look back at the history of the 'School around the corner' in Brannoxtown.

Mary Orford ponders on how songs and ballads are their own history lessons, Julie Felsbergs is thinking on the commandment to Love your Neighbour, and Sean Landers recalls the neighbours of the hill on his side of town when he was growing up in Kilcullen. Noel Clare takes us on a little-known local gem of a canal walk.

It's back to school time for today's pupils and teachers, and we have updates from Scoil Bhride and Brannoxtown CNS as they got ready to welcome the children back after a long, long break.

And there's more, as always, in The Bridge, which one regular and longtime reader tells us she 'treasures' when the latest issue comes out.

September treasure on the way. Enjoy.

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