Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Local support raised €1,400 for Relay For Life

This year was different for Relay for Life Kildare but despite restrictions a different approach was taken by going virtual online over the weekend of the 8th and 9th August, writes Sabina Reddy of Kilcullen Team Relay For Life.

Kilcullen Team's contribution started by getting together to making a video for the event with the Steady Steppers Team, who do Line Dancing in Kilcullen Complex.

Ger Dooley's Kildare Bathroom Company based in Link Business Park ran a coffee day and sold candle bags, this raised €340. Candle bags were sold among the community and mini Candle of Hope ceremonies were held in Old Kilcullen, Conroy Park and private residences. These were held within the Government guidelines of Covid 19. But by holding the Candle of Hope ceremonies on a mini scale, personalised it more for people.

Burke's Chemist also ran a collection over that weekend and raised €215 and we are very grateful for this.

The total now lodged from Kilcullen to the Kildare Relay for Life is €1,400. All monies raised will be going directly to the Irish Cancer Society to fund services for Co Kildare. The Kilcullen Team would like to thank everyone who participated in the community and contributed.

We are living in different times but cancer does not recognise this so all support helps enormously.

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