Saturday, September 19, 2020

Giving all books a chance

"Eye height is Buy height."

That was the comment made by somebody in marketing who visited the Library recently, writes Brian Byrne. So the next time you're in, don't be concerned if you see the lower shelves empty of books.

"I had noticed that books on the lowest shelves didn't get checked out as much," says Librarian Julie O'Donoghue. "People don't like bending down to look at them." So in tandem with Julie and Pauline's current curating of the stock in the Kilcullen facility — a polite way of saying 'retiring' the old ones — they are also repositioning things so that all the books get a fair chance of being browsed. "We have to make room anyhow, as we're constantly getting new books in."

Drop in if you're passing. Even in the Times of Covid, the restrictions are manageable. If you can, browse the catalogue online first, so that you have an idea of what you want. You can even order online and pick up.


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