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Saturday, September 26, 2020

'Drive-by' Coffee Morning raised €640 for Hospice

A 'drive-by' Coffee Morning held in Cnoc na Greine this morning raised €640 for St Brigid's Hospice on The Curragh, writes Brian Byrne.

Organised by Ruth Brand from Ruths HomeBaked Kitchen as part of the Bewleys-supported Ireland's Biggest Coffee Morning, it worked by having pre-packed boxes available with coffee, tea or herbal tea and box of home baked goodies. The coffee and tea would be made at home, for safety reasons for the drivers.

Supporters didn't have to leave their cars. They drove up and Ruth and her helpers distributed the boxes and took the donations in envelopes. The helpers were Audrey Burdis, Evey Grace, and First Year students in CPC Sarah and Clodagh.

"The result is amazing," Ruth told the Diary, thanking all who supported.

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