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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Council survey on user satisfaction with amenity spaces

Kildare County Council is conducting a public consultation on user satisfaction with existing open spaces in the county, writes Brian Byrne. The study is in conjunction with the Issues Paper on the Open Space and Outdoor Recreation Strategy for County Kildare, which is being prepared in association with the Kildare Sports Partnership.

When completed, the strategy will guide the future development of open spaces and recreational facilities throughout the county in short, medium and long terms.

The survey is accessible here, and among other things asks the respondent's favourite amenity space, and how well it serves as well as how it might be improved. It also asks how well various groups in the community are served generally by amenity areas, and how this might be improved.

A series of ranking questions on the desirability of various facilities within public amenity areas is also included. (Note — there's a flaw in these in that you can't give the same rating to more than one question. This complicates the completion of the survey, and may well cause some respondents to give up without completing it. I did.) 

 The survey is completely anonymous.

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