Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Ballyshannon quarry decision further delayed

The delayed Bord Pleanala decision on the Kilsaran appeal against being refused planning permission to establish a quarry in Ballyshannon has been further delayed, writes Brian Byrne.

A letter to those involved in the planning process since it began says an Inspector's Report on the appeal is 'at Board level', but a continuing delay is 'due to the necessity to further consider the case'.

The decision was originally due on 6 May last, but was delayed until 27 August.

The original planning application by Kilsaran for a new quarry at the company's property at Racefield was turned down by Kildare County Council last November.

"We are still confident that the decision of Kildare County Council will be upheld," a spokesperson said yesterday.

Public meetings against the proposal were held in Ballyshannon, Kilcullen, and Ballysax. Some 229 objections were lodged against the original application.

The Ballyshannon Action Group launched funding campaign to pay for an outstanding €12,830 in costs incurred in their bid to stop the quarry.

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