Monday, September 28, 2020

Asthma and College — learn how to manage

An Instagram Live will be hosted on Wednesday by the Asthma Society of Ireland for young people to familiarise themselves with the basics of asthma management and having an Asthma Action Plan in place, as they start or return to college.

The event will be at 4pm on @AsthmaSocietyOfIreland and will be led by respiratory specialist nurse Ruth Morrow. A focus will be on the importance of taking asthma medication as prescribed.

The Society is is appealing to young people to put extra protections in place to help manage their condition amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Students are also encouraged to make use of the resources available and encouraged to reach out to the Asthma Society’s Sláintecare funded Asthma and COPD WhatsApp messaging service with any concerns or questions. Just send a text via WhatsApp message to 086 059 0132 for one to one support with an asthma or COPD nurse.

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