Monday, August 10, 2020

Tenders for Kilcullen Design Statement

Tenders for the production of a Kilcullen Design Statement are being sought by Kilcullen Community Action, with a view to informing the review of the town's Local Area Plan due next year, writes Brian Byrne.

The brief to consultants has been prepared by a sub-committee of KCA with a number of objectives, including auditing the current status of the town, assessing its distinctive and unique features, and drawing up design principles to guide future development.

The Community-led Village Design Statement 'toolkit' developed by the Heritage Council will be used in the progression of the initiative, which will provide all in the community an opportunity to give their views.

The consultants will be paid by Kilcullen Community Action, who will apply to the Kildare Leader Partnership to provide 90pc of the cost.

The audit section of the process will examine the social, environmental and physical situation in Kilcullen. The vitality and viability of the town centre will also be assessed.

Through the process, the promoters of the initiative hope to effectively manage new development, including infill projects, in Kilcullen. Advice will be given to 'decision-makers, developers and their agents', and it is hoped that the Design Statement will act as a 'focus' for the community 'to participate and collaborate effectively in the local planning process'.

At last week's meeting of Kilcullen Community Action, KCA chair Ann Cashman noted that the town design group had developed from one which had originally been interested in climate action.

"It's a very large project," she said, "it's a community project in association with Kildare County Council. It is in the very early stages, but if we succeed in getting it done, it will be great."

Martin Murphy and Esther O'Shea have been helping the sub-committee with the preparation of the tender documents.

Further information is available by contacting

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