Thursday, September 03, 2020

Deadline tomorrow for Kildare Education Bursaries

A reminder that deadline for applications for the 2020 Kildare Education Bursaries sponsored by Kildare County Council is tomorrow, 4 September 2020.

Anyone from Kildare attending a third level institute to undertake undergraduate studies. Post Graduate and PLC studies will be considered on a case by case basis.

The William G Carroll Bursary is for anyone who's course is focused on community development, improving communities or assisting communities.

The Kildare Council Bursary for People with Disabilities is for any course for an individual who may have an intellectual or physical disability which may act as a barrier to them undertaking this course.

The Kildare Council Members Memorial Bursary is for anyone undertaking an undergraduate or PLC course who had previously attended a DEIS school in Kildare.

With regard to the Memorial Bursary for DEIS schools, PLC and Certificate courses will also be considered.

Full details and application forms are available here.

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