Wednesday, July 29, 2020

KCA to regularise litter picking again

A shout out to some business people and individuals who collect litter on their own initiative was made at last week's meeting of Kilcullen Community Action, writes Brian Byrne.

The matter arose during discussion on litter picking and watering of the Kilcullen In Bloom plants, initiated by Ray Kelly.

He said he knows that people are picking litter, including non-KCA members, and said he would like to get the work back into a 'regular system'. "Just to know that it is being done, and where."

Ann Cashman said there was a lot of takeaway food bags litter in The Valley, 'which can be cleaned up in the morning, but later in the day it needs to be cleared again'.

At that point, Eoin Houlihan noted that one of the takeaway food outlets operators does regular litter picking, 'and there are other people doing it who are not Tidy Towns'.

KCA ceased organised litter picking activities when restrictions were imposed on working during the early part of the coronavirus crisis.

Ray Kelly said that the watering system for the flower boxes through the town 'needs some kind of upgrade'. "It is failing regularly, especially in a few areas," he said, adding that it would be best to look at the whole system.

After a short discussion on the possibilities of seeking a tender for upgrading the system, chair Ann Cashman 'parked' the matter until a future meeting.

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