Thursday, July 30, 2020

KCA considers own newsletter

Pic for illustration only, by Kilcullen Diary.
The possibility of Kilcullen Community Action producing its own newsletter was the subject of a brief discussion at the group's meeting last Thursday, writes Brian Byrne.

KCA chair Ann Cashman said a number of members had discussed it as a means of documenting projects undertaken by the group. It could include projects carried out in the past. "I think it would be a really good thing," she said. "It would give a very positive message about the group."

Eoin Houlihan suggested it might be an annual production, 'pulling things together' about the year. Ray Kelly wondered if it might be done as a video? "Maybe we could get someone doing media studies to take it on."

Ann Cashman said there might be someone out there who would like to 'lead' the project. "Different people might be interested, so that it's not the same people all the time."

The matter was shelved for future discussion, which would involve frequency, cost, distribution, whether it should be done electronically.

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