Monday, July 20, 2020

Did you wear the mask today ... or not?

It wasn't a proper survey, but observations on a walk through the town this afternoon showed a spotty state on the wearing of face coverings in retail spaces, writes Brian Byrne.

It wasn't unexpected to note that anybody waiting to enter the pharmacy or doctors' surgeries were indeed wearing masks.

But there was the man in his 40s or so leaving a store, licking an ice cream cone, with no suggestion that he had worn any kind of face covering. And the trio who got out of a car, two men and a woman, maybe in early 30s, who walked blithely into a shop with no indication that they had masks ready to wear.

Then there were the teenagers coming out of a shop with treats to be shared with a third, no masks evident.

And the takeaway where two customers wore masks (me being one of them), a third came in without one.

On the other hand, it seemed to me that there were more people than usual walking the street itself wearing masks.

Like I said, spotty. Also like I said, not a proper survey.

But Wear The Mask ... in ALL retail spaces.

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