Sunday, July 19, 2020

'Daunting' signage project closer to funding

One of the old town name signs to be replaced.
The level of bureaucracy involved in progressing the signage project for Kilcullen has been 'daunting', the recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action heard, writes Brian Byrne.

Project leader Noel Clare said a 'huge' amount of work was put into the initiative by 'a lot of people' over a number of years, and it is now possible that an application to the Kildare Leader Partnership for 75pc funding could go in at the end of the month. "That's if everything at the Kildare County Council end is ready," he said. "That's the last piece of the jig-saw."

The original plan was to have new town name signs on all approach roads, as well as street names, but that latter has now been 'parked' for the moment, the meeting was told, 'because there are a lot of issues on criteria for those and it is quite confusing'.

"We're now hoping to get the name signs, a tourist information sign at the Town Hall, and a number of biodiversity signs for the Valley and Pinkeen Stream," Noel said. "There has been a huge amount of paperwork involved, and Leader has agreed in principle to their share of the funding."

The project cost is €17,000, and a €1,300 grant has also been provided by the Kildare County Council Heritage office.

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