Monday, July 27, 2020

A gap waiting for a gate

Posts have been put in place in waiting for the latest refurbished old gate in the area, on the Curragh Road opposite Scoil Bhride, writes Brian Byrne.

Noel Clare told the most recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action that 'when we took down the gate for refurbishment, we found an even better one in the field behind'.

The gate is the latest in an initiative over recent years to make old gates in the Kilcullen area heritage features of the Tidy Towns programme.

The meeting heard that Liam Keogh is doing the refurbishing, as he has for a number of the gates, while the new posts were provided by John Brady. The gateway has not been used for many years, as there is another entrance to the field.

The railway sleepers were brought by Ilona Brede of KCA, and will be part of the feature when completed.

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