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Saturday, May 09, 2020

The Valley Park 'needs some TLC'

The need for some maintenance work on the Valley Park was raised at Thursday night's meeting of Kilcullen Community Action, with reference to the current coronavirus protocols, writes Brian Byrne.

The meeting was again held by video-conference, and other matters discussed included Kilcullen in Bloom preparations, the Library Garden, fundraising, and the Pollinator Programme.

It was noted that the Valley is being used much more by families and individuals out for walks during the lockdown travel limits situation, and was in need of 'some TLC'.

Seats need painting, the Fairy Trail signs require cleaning, and in some cases replacements for ones which have disappeared. There's also work to be done on the Gilly House, which has been damaged and is currently locked up.

KCA chair Ann Cashman said the group has to be careful how they do things, with many regular KCA activities now suspended, and the need to define 'essential work'. "We need to find the safest way to do it."

A suggestion that the Valley be closed for a day, with volunteer teams taking different areas to work in while maintaining social distancing, was suggested. The current heavy use of the park could be an issue here, but it might be possible on one of the less sunny days. "This is the right time to do it," Antoinette Buckley said.

No decision was taken during the meeting, but the matter remains under consideration.

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