Friday, April 03, 2020

Kilcullen 700 book is completed, Covid delays launch

Kilcullen 700 seems a long way back just now, but the book based on the Heritage Talks has now been printed, writes Brian Byrne.

As well as articles in Kilcullen, Before our Time from each of the contributors to the talks series, there are pages of photographs from many of the Kilcullen 700 events, making the book a good record of the myriad of activities which made the celebration such a community-wide success.

The impact of the coronavirus situation means that a launch of the book by its publishers, the Kilcullen 700 Committee, will have to wait until the current restrictions are lifted.

But it is something to look forward to in these difficult times. Let's remember the late Bernard Berney's oft-repeated philosophy, 'this too will pass'.

Beat the Virus: Stay At Home. 

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