Sunday, March 01, 2020

Great support for KCA Quiz

Antoinette Buckley presents prizes of vouchers from Burkes Chemists to winning team.
There was a packed house for the annual KCA Table Quiz in the Hideout on Friday night, writes Noel Clare. Proceeds from the quiz will go to the development of the Community Garden beside the library.

Every section for the community was represented on the night. The quiz started with some rather testing questions and a particularly gruelling sports round. Things got a little easier as the night progressed.

The winning team members were Ray Kelly, Fiona Sloan, Fionn Sloan Kelly and Gary O’Shaughnessy. Runners up were Mick Finnegan, Amanda Finnegan, Alice Farrell and Caroline Williams.

Pat Mangan presents prizes of Hideout vouchers to runners-up.

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