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Saturday, March 21, 2020

For health of all, please DON'T ...

Pic: MPGeomatics.
It's unfortunate that we have to publish a couple of 'please don't' notices, but that's the way it is, writes Brian Byrne.

I see that the Community Centre has asked that young people DO NOT climb over the fence to access the closed all-weather pitch.

And also that Scoil Bhride has had to remind people that the school property is closed to the public, WHICH INCLUDES the walking track ... no walkers, buggies or bicycles allowed on the track during the closure.

The Diary's readership profile is not especially strong on young people, so this post is really to their parents ...

EDITOR NOTE: If you're out shopping or walking, do PLEASE observe social distancing. If your teenagers are going out, remind them that while they may not suffer much from covid-19, bringing it home to their family could kill someone who loves them.

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