Heritage and creativity grants available
Applications are open for Kildare County Council's Heritage Grants Scheme 2020, for projects that promote interest, education, knowledge and enjoyment by facilitating an appreciation of the heritage of County Kildare.
Applications are invited for community heritage projects which will benefit or relate to at least one of the aspects of heritage as set out in the Heritage Act 1995. Application forms and details for this grant are available on the Council's website, or by emailing heritageofficer@kildarecoco.ie or telephone 045 980791. The Closing date for applications is Friday 6th March 2020 at 5pm.
Also, as part of Kildare's 2020 Creative Ireland programme, Kildare County Council invites applications for bursary awards that will develop bodies of work with a public interface/engagement. It is envisaged that a series of bursaries will be awarded in the region of €3,000-€10,000. Funding may only be used to support events/projects that focus on cultural activity involving the arts, creative industries, heritage and the Irish language.
Applications are invited from individuals and groups to make applications to creatively explore themes of Well being; Sense of place; Heritage (which may include historical exploration); Music; STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics); Irish language; and Climate change.
A project which combines two or more themes is desirable. Closing date for receipt of applications is Tuesday 18th March 2020, 12 noon. Details of the grant can be obtained here.
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Applications are invited for community heritage projects which will benefit or relate to at least one of the aspects of heritage as set out in the Heritage Act 1995. Application forms and details for this grant are available on the Council's website, or by emailing heritageofficer@kildarecoco.ie or telephone 045 980791. The Closing date for applications is Friday 6th March 2020 at 5pm.
Also, as part of Kildare's 2020 Creative Ireland programme, Kildare County Council invites applications for bursary awards that will develop bodies of work with a public interface/engagement. It is envisaged that a series of bursaries will be awarded in the region of €3,000-€10,000. Funding may only be used to support events/projects that focus on cultural activity involving the arts, creative industries, heritage and the Irish language.
Applications are invited from individuals and groups to make applications to creatively explore themes of Well being; Sense of place; Heritage (which may include historical exploration); Music; STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics); Irish language; and Climate change.
A project which combines two or more themes is desirable. Closing date for receipt of applications is Tuesday 18th March 2020, 12 noon. Details of the grant can be obtained here.
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