Wednesday, January 29, 2020

KCA considering 'reduce, reuse, recycle' events

Organising a monthly recycling 'pop-up' project was the subject of discussion at last week's meeting of Kilcullen Community Action, writes Brian Byrne.

Raising the matter, chair Ann Cashman said the idea was to make people aware of the concept of reduce, reuse, recycle, with a focus on a specific aspect each month, in the form of a pop-up shop.

Ray Kelly suggested a day for repair of small household goods, which would require certified people in mechanical or electrical work.

Another suggestion was to have people with sewing skills on hand for a day when people could bring in items of clothes that need small repairs.

An art workshop, with an artist doing a workshop on creating art from recycled materials, also came out of the brainstorming.

On a mention of whether to charge a fee, Noel Clare said it was about promoting recycling, not about making money. Antoinette Buckley said a portion of any fees could be allocated to a charity.

The matter was left open for members to come up with specific ideas which would be further examined at the next meeting.

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