Thursday, December 05, 2019

European Parliament resolution highlights threat to pollinators

On Tuesday, the European Parliament's environment committee adopted a resolution on measures to protect pollinators in Europe, writes Brian Byrne.

Against the background of declining populations of bees and butterflies, and threats of extinction of pollinators in some cases, MEPs advocate further reduction of the use of pesticides and more funds for research.

The decline and threat is strongly believed to be due primarily to human activities. These include land-use changes for agriculture or urbanisation, which result in the loss and degradation of natural habitats and the disappearance of diverse flora, reducing food and nesting resources.

Pesticides and other pollutants can also affect pollinators directly (insecticides and fungicides) and indirectly (herbicides), which is why the Parliament is highlighting the need to reduce the use of pesticides.

The presence of invasive alien species such as the yellow-legged hornet and diseases such as parasites are also factors, as is the changing climate with rising temperatures and extreme weather events.

These infographics from the European Commission put the problem in a very clear way. Click on them to see in larger size.

Kilcullen Community Action has an active Pollinator Plan.

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