Sunday, September 01, 2019

The meaning of life saving

Something to ponder on a quiet Sunday morning ...

The lifesaving defibrillator has recently been installed at the Eurospar supermarket. The instructions are simple, and graphically illustrated: if you find someone unconscious first call 999 for an ambulance and the code to open the system box; then administer CPR if there seems to be no sign of life, followed by use of the AED unit if that doesn't work; continue until emergency services arrive.

Then there are the lifesaving ring buoys installed in the Valley Park earlier this year. One of which was thrown away a month or so ago, and the lack of which could mean a drowning.

Life saver, or life buoy taker. Which are you? If the latter, get your act together, mister (or miss). At the very least, take the trouble to learn CPR to start to make up for what you did.

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