Thursday, August 29, 2019

Kilcullen 700/Heritage Week Competition winners

Kilcullen Drama Group's Joan Clarke, John Martin, and Eilis Phillips, with Nessa Dunlea of Kilcullen 700.
The winners in the Kilcullen 700/Heritage Week competition sponsored by Bank of Ireland Kilcullen were Perfect Images, Ger's Fruit and Veg, Armelle's Kitchen, and Kilcullen Drama Group, writes Brian Byrne. Each received €250 from the Bank, and the cheques were presented by Nessa Dunlea, chair of the Kilcullen 700 Committee.

The judges were Lucina Russell, Arts Officer from Kildare County Council; and Clodagh Hughes, East Midlands Area Manager for Bank of Ireland.

Special Commendations were awarded to Kilcullen Community Library for the display on inclusion and diversity of woman in the workforce; and to Scoil Bhride for involvement of youth in the town's heritage during its 700th anniversary celebrations.

Brennan's Hardware and The Final Furlong were also commended for their family and heritage displays.

(Note: There was no representative available from Perfect Images for their presentation, which will be made tomorrow.)

Armelle Siomboing with Nessa Dunlea.

Nessa Dunlea presents the prize to Ger Wixted of Ger's Fruit and Veg.

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