Saturday, August 24, 2019

Heritage presentations repeated

A reprise this morning of last Monday night's Kilcullen presentation for Heritage Week was much enjoyed by a Saturday morning audience in the Heritage Centre, writes Brian Byrne.

Among those present this time were the judges for the Kilcullen 700/Heritage Week competition sponsored by Bank of Ireland. Earlier this morning, Clodagh Hughes from Bank of Ireland and Kildare Arts Officer Lucina Russel had evaluated the 17 locations where they were displays for the competition.

The results will be announced over the next couple of days. Four prizes of €250 have been provided through the Kilcullen Branch of the bank.

Once again there were talks on the history of the Town Hall, of old forges in Kilcullen, about the Kilcullen Boxing Club and the mummified right arm of pugilist Dan Donnelly, and the history of the Kilcullen Drama Group.

There were also excerpts from plays by members of the Drama Group, as well as displays of traditional children's games.

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