Monday, July 22, 2019

'Pastimes in Past Times' competition launch on Wednesday

The launch of a competition organised by Kilcullen 700 for National Heritage Week will take place in Bank of Ireland Kilcullen on Wednesday morning, writes Brian Byrne.

The competition is based on how people in past times spent their leisure and play hours. There will be four prizes sponsored by Bank of Ireland, to be allocated by an independent judging panel, for the best display on that theme, which lines up with the Pastimes/Past Times theme of Heritage Week 2019.

Businesses, clubs and other organisations in the town are being invited to put up small exhibitions on the theme in their premises for Heritage Week. There's an open brief for the format, which could range from window displays where appropriate to exhibit collections, tableaux, or photographs and other visual materials.

So get thinking of how you all played in your childhood or teens, or maybe how your parents did. There were board games, watching small black and white TV, playing handball, going to the 'pictures', off to the dance, playing cards ... and whatever else you can think of.

Like setting off 'carbide bombs' in the garden ...

The launch is at 10am. All welcome. Treats, and chats that might trigger old memories.

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